Pull Up Program Series 1, Class 24: It's just a little crush...
Pull Up Program, Series 1: Spring Fever
Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 22-30 minutes depending on rest breaks
Class Type: partial video
Your last official class in this cycle! You will complete class 24 ONLY ONCE. You will then repeat classes 21-23, followed by a 5 day rest break from pull ups. You will then test your rep max.
If you are loving pull ups and want to continue increasing reps, you can complete this Series 1 program again, adjusting weights and daily reps to fit your new rep max.
Equipment Recommendations: x1 pull up bar, x1 medium band or heavy band, x1 moderate weight kettlebell or dumbbell
Carry Series: complete each carry on a running clock for 6 minutes, up to 60 seconds each movement before switching.
1. farmer's carry left side
2. farmer's carry right side
3. racked carry left side
4. racked carry right side
5. overhead carry left side
6. overhead carry left side
x4 rounds
40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest:
1. push press with eccentric pull down left side
2. push press with eccentric pull down right side
3. seated horizontal banded rows
Mixed Grip Chin Up Sets: x6 rounds
0-1 chin ups: x3 half chin ups with band assist
2-3 chin ups:
mixed grip chin ups x3-4, switching grip after each rep, resting 60 seconds-2 minutes after each set
4+ chin ups ups: mixed grip chin ups x5-6, switching grip after each rep set, resting 60 seconds-2 minutes after each set