Pull Up Program Series 1, Class 12: Left foot, Right Foot, Levitating...
Pull Up Program, Series 1: Spring Fever
5m 12s
Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 22-30 minutes depending on rest breaks
Class Type: partial video
Equipment Recommendations:
x1 moderate kettlebell or dumbbell, pull up bar, x1 medium band
Anti-rotation lunges will have you walking on air (and working your abs). Today is all about sneaky core work and a chin up mix that keep things fresh.
Carry Series: complete each carry on a running clock for 6 minutes, up to 60 seconds each movement before switching:
1. farmer's carry left side (heavy)
2. farmer's carry right side (heavy)
3. racked carry left side (moderate)
4. racked carry right side (moderate)
5. overhead carry left side (moderate)
6. overhead carry left side (moderate)
x4 rounds
40 seconds on, 20 seconds rest:
1. single side suitcase lunge left leg forward, bell in right hand
*moderate weight
2. single side suitcase lunge right leg forward, bell in left hand
*moderate weight
3. banded lat pull down (approx. x10-15)
*medium band
Chin Up Sets:
0-1 chin ups: the above only
2-3 chin ups:
mixed grip chin ups x2, switching grip after each rep, resting 60 seconds-2 minutes after each set
4+ chin ups ups: mixed grip chin ups x4, switching grip after each rep set, resting 60 seconds-2 minutes after each set
Up Next in Pull Up Program, Series 1: Spring Fever
Pull Up Program Series 1, Class 13: ...
Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 20-30 minutes depending on rest breaks
Class Type: partial videoClass 13 layers accessories to complete the outfit: variations are added from last week's program, along with eccentric banded pull ups for those with 0-1 pull ups.
Equipment Recommendations: pull up bar,...
Pull Up Program Series 1, Class 14: P...
Full Description:
Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 12-20 minutes
Class Type: partial videoClass 14 is a dream: an anti-rotation EMOM dream. Bring a moderate to heavy bell to the bar for a mini-session that works the abs through stabilization and strength movements.
Equipment Recommendations: x1 pull...
Pull Up Program Series 1, Class 15: I...
Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 25 minutes
Class Type: partial videoPut a forever band on it and commit to eccentrics. Today's sessions continues core work, stability training and eccentric pull ups for all.
Equipment Recommendations:
pull up bar, x1 medium band, x1 light to moderate kettlebellInte...