Trainer: Lacee
Duration: 30 minutes
Class Type: Full Video
Class 6 of 12. Complete and repeat Classes 4, 5 and 6 before continuing with this program.
Overall RPE 8 out of 10
Equipment Recommendations: x2 matching light bells
Warm Up
30 seconds each x1 round:
1. x5 bodyweight split stance squats, left and right
2. fist plank
3. lateral crawl, left
4. lateral crawl, right
Set 1: RPE 7 out of 10
30 seconds each x3 rounds:
1. double suitcase hold marches
2. overhead hold right + reverse lunge left
3. overhead hold left + reverse lunge right
Set 2: RPE 9 out of 10
40 seconds on, 20 seconds off x4 rounds, alternating sides each round:
1. single side deadstop cleans, left side
2. single racked squats, left side
3. gorilla rows, left side
Up Next in BEGINNER PROGRAM 2: Beginner Not Basic
Beginner Series, Class 7: Brilliant E...
Class 7 of 12. Complete and repeat Classes 7, 8 and 9 before continuing with this program.
Trainer: Missy
Duration: 20
Class Type: Full Video
Class 7 of 12. Complete and repeat Classes 7, 8 and 9 before continuing with this program.Class 7 includes work on balance, variations of squats and p...
Beginner Series, Class 8: Trace Elements
Class 8 of 12. Complete and repeat Classes 7, 8 and 9 before continuing with this program.
Trainer: Missy
Duration: 20
Class Type: Full Video
Class 8 of 12. Complete and repeat Classes 7, 8 and 9 before continuing with this program.Class 8 focuses on core and isometrics (holding movements)....
Beginner Series, Class 9: How Good is...
Class 9 of 12. Complete and repeat Classes 7, 8 and 9 before continuing with this program.
Trainer: Missy
Duration: 20
Class Type: Full Video
Class 9 of 12. Complete and repeat Classes 7, 8 and 9 before continuing with this program.In class 8 we teach how to do a swing clean! We will incorp...